Our services


We analyze your profile and your needs in a personalized way to find the best options that adapt to your abilities, criteria and budget, and we will not charge you anything until you have decided on one of the university centers that we propose.

Evaluation of your profile

Once we meet, we will make a preliminary evaluation of your profile according to the data you provide us and what you are looking for.

We will check if your profile meets the minimum requirements of the US educational system and, if in doubt, we will consult the possible options in our databases. This service is totally free

Prospecting and advice

We will do a detailed search for those centers that fit your profile and we will offer you different options depending on your academic, sports, budgetary and geographical needs. We will contact the centers you have selected to assess your possibilities in each of them and obtain the best possible conditions for you. This service is totally free

Auxiliary services

When you have decided on a specific destination, we will charge you 30% of the cost of the service and we will help you with the university paperwork, the presentation video, visas and other requirements for foreign students imposed by the federal immigration department of the United States. Joined. Once the admission process at the center is completed, we will charge the remaining 70%.

If you want to change centers or want to transfer to a 4-year university from a medium-level university, we will also help you.

If we don't get your place, we won't charge you anything.

Our prior consulting service is completely free. We will do a detailed study of your options, as long as you fit the applicant profile. If what we offer you doesn't fit you, don't worry. We only charge the fee if you actually find what you are looking for.

The base rate for services is €2,500, VAT included. We will charge you 30%, once the contract is formalized, as long as you have found what you want.

The rest will be paid when the admission process is completed.


Consulting Phase

0,00 €

Check if you can be a candidate to fill a degree or mid-degree position in one of the 2,000 universities in our database


Contractual Phase

750 €

VAT included

You enter the admission process for International Students of the university center that you have chosen to take your program

Admission Phase

1.750 €

VAT included

You have completed your admission process at the university center and are outlining the details of your departure

We can help you shape a different future

Tell us what you are looking for and add in a few words why you think you could go to study in the US.

Talk later?
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